Starting a New Business

How We Can Help

Starting a business from scratch can be daunting, complex and a long process, even if you have a good idea. But we want to make it easier, fun and most importantly ... make it a success!

With the rise of new technologies and the increasing number of entrepreneurs starting businesses alongside full-time jobs, it's easy to get overwhelmed and struggle to keep your business growing.

That's why we're here - to provide the support and resources you and your new business need to thrive.

Support For Starting a New Businesses

The process of actually starting a new business can be both exciting and completely overwhelming. Having a good idea for a product or service is only the first step in getting your new business up and operating, but we want to help you get there as fast as we can. 


By utilising the expertise of Business Growth Hub you get your new business from idea to operating in less time and with a greater chance of success. Or if you want to do it yourself you can just book some time to talk to us and gain some advice when you need it. 

person studying business and entrepreneurship, while being mentored as part of learning as a group

BGH Academy - Starter Bundle

We understand that some people have more time than money when starting a business so we created our Academy to support them.

Our Starter Bundle collects together all the information you need for starting a new business, even if you have no experience.

See Available Courses

Mentoring For Starting a New Business

When you're starting a new business, sometimes you need an outside perspective to help you make important decisions. That's where our Business Mentoring service comes in. Our experts can provide you with impartial guidance and regular check-ins to hold you accountable and ensure you get the job done.


With our trusted and confidential communication, you can run ideas past us and receive guidance on a range of business topics. You choose how much time you want to spend with us, and we will arrange the exact times and dates on an ongoing basis. Don't navigate the business world alone - let us be your partner in success.